Infuse your home with the holiday spirit with the cute and dainty hanging decorations of our showroom. At Bello Horizonte we have prepared everything for you to decorate your home for Christmas and take advantage of the opportunity to give special gifts.





Christmas decoration finds in the rustic style one of its great allies. The warmth of wood fits 100% with ornaments in golden, ocher tones… Combine them with natural details such as wreaths or garlands of leaves.





Another trend that is clearly gaining popularity for this Christmas 2021-2022 is to decorate the Christmas tree with ornaments in two colors: gold and silver for example, or gold and red which is a classic and always brings a lot of glamor to the room. It is a blend that brings elegance and sophistication without sacrificing simplicity.




The color pink continues to be a trend in decoration, and therefore, it will also be one of the protagonists of this Christmas. Mixing different shades of pink with golden accents will conceive sweet and very cheerful rooms, almost fantasy.




Here at Bello Horizonte, we always celebrate the beauty around us, because living with beautiful things helps to make a house a home, and a happy home at that. So come along and see us, browse our beautiful Christmas decorations including wreaths, garlands, candles, ornaments and more, you’re sure to find the ideal decoration for your home this Christmas at Bello Horizonte Decoracion.


We’re waiting to welcome you!


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