As Spain heads into autumn, we can look forward to cooler, but still sunny days, and longer evenings. So maybe you are thinking of giving a ‘warmer’ feel to your home, as many Spanish houses lack insulation, being more focused on keeping you cool than keeping you warm. The good news is, you don’t need to do a lot to give your home a ‘warm’ feel, and we are going to inspire you with some simple ideas that can make a big difference to your home, and prepare it for those cosy autumn evenings. First of all, let’s look at how colours can bring in a different ambience, and why.
Colour significance and therapy:
Since ancient times, colours have held a number of important associations – it’s never just been about looking pretty and decorative. For example, it was once forbidden for ordinary people to wear purple, as it was considered a colour fit only for royalty. Also, it has long been recognised that looking at, wearing or being close to certain colours can influence your mood, for better or for worse. These days, as people cope with the challenging times we are living in, colour therapy is becoming more of a mainstream consideration.
If you want to cheer yourself up, wear something yellow or orange, or keep a picture, wall hanging, cushion or rug in those shades in your vision line. Need to feel more relaxed? Green is good for that. If you find yourself unable to shift a low mood, maybe there’s too much grey and black around you. Liven things up with yellow, orange or red, which is good for giving you courage and strength when things get you down. That said, too much red can raise your blood pressure, and that’s not good if something is making you upset or angry. Try calming pink tones instead.
This article gives excellent advice on decorating your home to lift your mood, and there’s lots more information online. Search for ‘The Psychology of Colour,’ or ‘The Spirituality of Colour,’ depending on whether you want to approach the subject from a design angle or take a more eclectic, holistic approach. However you approach the aspect of colour in your home, it’s worth remembering that traditionally, autumn and winter are times when the mood can be low, like the temperatures, so anything that gives you a lift is a good choice for this time of year.
‘Warm’ and ‘Cool’ colours:
Traditionally, shades of green, blue and purple are thought of as ‘cool’ colours, while red, yellow and orange shades are ‘warm.’ The thing is, certain shades of all colours can be either cool or warm, and while a pastel blue sofa looks invitingly cool at the height of the Spanish summer, it can make you shiver just looking at on a dark winter evening. Obviously, you can’t change sofas with the seasons, but you can make your sofa look – and feel – cosy with clever use of different colours in cushions and throws.
Here at Bello Horizonte, our experienced designers can inspire you to make your spaces look more inviting in the cooler seasons. Come and take a look at our displays for clever ideas on mixing fabrics and shades to warm up your rooms, or bring along a photo of your room setting, so we can discuss the available options. We are here for you, ready to help – because it’s not just the leaves that change their colours in autumn. Your home should also move with the seasons, to create a harmonious living space that’s both beneficial and comfortable for everyone.